Why I Don't Draw
Ahh, this is a funny section. I do like the idea of drawing and painting. I sometimes even try putting something down on paper. I buy crayons, colored pencils and markers. All with the intention of drawing what I see in my mind. Inevitably, I sketch something out but it never looks like what I saw when I closed my eyes. It’s just not my strength, and it’s important to know what those are. I have the ideas and images floating around in my head but I can’t seem to make them come to life. Fortunately for me, my husband, Juan Carlos is a wonderful designer and artist. He has an uncanny ability to listen and then bring life my ideas (an other people’s ideas too. I’m not his only client!)
A tree I painted using tissue paper for texture.
The fish I painted and how I saw the illustrations in my mind.
Usually the process goes something like this…I sketch out the scenes or style of what I see. Juan Carlos gets a good laugh out of my interpretation of what some animal looks like. And then he brilliantly transforms my ideas (and really funny drawings) into beautiful pieces of art. Click “the process” to see the genesis of his work.
My idea of a bird
Yes, that is a pig and the curly cues are not hair but her "food".
Since the illustration process is quite complex, I will let him tell you about that. But what I can tell you is that he did a lot of research and tested many different styles to bring Rana and Lulu to life. It took 2 years to finish one book. Well, it took 52 weeks to research and another 52 weeks to figure out his style. Once he had that, it didn’t take him long to do what he does best.