My Inspiration
Everything! Life is so rich, so full of interesting elements, that I can find inspiration anywhere... Eyes open or closed.
Inspiration abound - Look, listen, feel, smell & taste life
That said, writing doesn’t happen all the time for me. When it does, it hits me like a thunderbolt. I love when I get an idea. I love when I feel that the idea can become something real. I must admit that for many years I held a belief much like many adults do. I had all the same limitations rolling around in my head. “You can’t do this and that won’t work, and it’s too hard.” What a horrible way to go through life, thinking that you can’t, when in fact, most things are possible.
Embracing the thunderbolt of ideas
Determination, belief in one’s self, doing the work…all can make a dream become a reality. And when you truly examine the word impossible, you can see that the first 2 letters are I-M. I’m possible.
How I Took My First Step
I’ll tell you what first made me believe that I could do what I loved, and not have any fear. My true inspiration to publish came from her nieces and nephew. Yes, you know the saying... Out of the mouths of babes. They speak truth. As children, they didn’t have any of those preconceived boundaries. Anything is achievable when you are 10, 7, 5.
Diving in
Melanie & me
Nikki, Gabrielle, Michella, John, Gianna
Anything is achievable
When I wrote my first story and shared it with them, my oldest niece, Gabrielle said, “Wow, Aunt Dana, you are like a real author.” And John kept asking me when he could buy my books in the store. Michella and Gabrielle continued to ask if I could come read in their schools. These seemingly simple comments made me feel as though I could do anything. The innocence of a child’s belief of “why not just do it” attitude, helped me to believe the same. Why not? Why couldn’t I be children’s book author? I believed in my stories and the messages they told, so why not just take the plunge. And so began the journey. And each step of the way, my nieces and nephew encouraged me, pushed me along.
Gabrielle "like a real author…"
John "when can I buy the book?"
Michella & Gianna "when can you come to my school?"
Their questions were a constant reminders to me of how children have no fear and can imagine that anything is possible, no boundaries, not limits. That truly is a fabulous way to live. So it became apparent to me that thinking like an adult, thinking that it was too hard, when in fact it was a simple task, was not going to get me to my goal. And so, I believed in them believing in me.
"I can beat him" anything is possible
Together, we believe in big things